Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Warehouse sale!

We are having a warehouse sale from December 24th till January 4th!
Many brands are included, see below for our flyer!

Click to Enlarge:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

New Balance 966

A rugged Country Walker featuring rich waterproof materials for light outdoor activities and foul weather protection.

Featured Technology:
ABZORB® ABZORB® cushioning is New Balance’s proprietary basic...
C-CAP® "C-CAP®" is simply compression-molded EVA foam. New Balance...
Stability Web® The innovative STABILITY WEB® provides torsional stability...
Retail Price RM349.00

NEW BALANCE Kids' Sesame Street Retro

In a collaboration that actually works, New Balance footwear is the new home for a series of Sesame Street inspired designs. If you have a bun in the oven, then no better way to deck out your kids in some Sesame Street kicks. In fitting fashion New Balance has kept a clear conscience and made these accessible only for infants and toddlers.

"As a proud sponsor of Sesame Street, New Balance encourages kids and parents to lead healthy and active lifestyles," says Paul Heffernan, Executive Vice President, Global Marketing, Design & Development. "This is a fun opportunity to highlight an important message to kids through America's favorite summer past-time - baseball."
“Sesame Street is all about bringing fun and learning together and what better way then to bring Healthy Habits to life then participating in a Mets game,” said, Anita Stewart, Vice President, Corporate Sponsorship for Sesame Workshop. “We are thrilled to help our children learn more about physical activity and health through our continuing partnership with New Balance.”
Featuring a coalition of partners and an advisory board of health, nutrition, fitness and child development experts, Healthy Habits for Life was created to develop and distribute multi-media, age-appropriate content. The initiative was launched in 2004 to use the reach of Sesame Street to educate kids about nutrition and active play, making the basics of health and well-being as much a part of early development as learning to read and write. New Balance is a proud sponsor of Sesame Street and Healthy Habits, as well as the related traveling exhibition, Sesame Street Presents: The Body. For more than 30 years, New Balance has been dedicated to making kids shoes in a variety of sizes, widths and colors to ensure that every growing child can find their perfect fit.

【ニューバランス H574J BF】NEW BALANCE H574 JBF


New Balance - CM576DV B Black + CM576DV S Beige - Qulited

in Japan, two new colorways of the New Balance 576s were released quite under the radar. The black colorway features high quality leather uppers, with a quilted premium leather on the toe and near the ankle. Brown leather accents are located around the ankle and on the tongue. They are finished off with round dress laces. The beige colorway contains suede uppers, while the toe features the same quilted style as the black version. This pair has dark and light brown accents, and also comes with round dress laces.


Monday, December 1, 2008



The MT 580 continues on its path to stomp all you chumps with it’s chunky Rollbar midsole and grey cement speckles. The fact that there are pearl beads on this big bloke may turn some heads away but the fat mesh lining, tongue and upper will reel you right back in.
my first time trying out this shoes, it is unbelievable comfort and has a very good arch support. the shoes do looks chunky but that's i guess MT580 design. MT580 has to be difference from the rest of New Balance 500 series.


Friday, November 28, 2008

New Balance CM320 reissue

1976年、当時世界中のランナーから高い信頼を獲得していた「RUNNER'S WORLD(ランナーズワールド)」誌でNO.1に輝き、発売時には輝かしい実績と実売を築き上げた歴史的ランニングモデル「320」のリメイク復刻モデル「CM320M」。今作のNEWカラーは、70'Sに流行した「アーケードゲーム」からインスパイアされた奇抜なカラーリングを「アッパー」に採用することで「320」の発売年でもある1970年代の「バックグラウンド(背景)」を見事に表現しています。また、80'Sランニングシューズとは違った魅力を放つ「ロープロファイルソール(薄底)」のシルエットは様々なスタイルにマッチし、現在主流となっている「M1300」や「M576」とは一線を画したスタイリングを実践できます。サイズ展開もユニセックスに対応し男女を問わずチョイス出来るので、当時のクラシックな雰囲気を足元から体感してみては如何でしょうか。現在のスニーカーにはない風合いとシルエットが様々なファッションスタイルの足元を軽快に演出してくれる今作「CM320M」に是非、活目してください。


New Balance M420 reissue

Originally released back in 1980, the New Blance M420 stood at the forefront of its time in terms of technology, and New Balance has recently decided to reissue the popular model. They feature a suede and nylon upper, along with a navy blue and grey color scheme....
1980年代に登場し、当時世界中のランナーから信頼が高い「RUNNER'S WORLD(ランナーズワールド)」誌での「ファイブスター」獲得や「RUNNING TIMES(ランニングタイムズ)」誌の「ゴールドシューズ」賞にも輝いた名品「M420」を「ヴィンテージ」スタイルにリメイクし誕生した「U420J」。「アッパー」には「new balance(ニューバランス)」の大定番と言える「スエード」&「ナイロンメッシュ」のコンビ使いがクラシックな雰囲気をより一層、演出しています。機能面に置いても普段の生活に実用的な「ベンチレーション(通気性)」「ライトウェイト(軽量性)」を兼ね備え、クラシカルなデザインに「UK企画」らしいエッジの利いた今作を是非お試しください.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


"Yes We Can" is a collage-style music video inspired by a speech delivered by Senator and now President-elect Barack Obama following the 2008 New Hampshire primary, derived from similar union catch cries. The song was released on February 2, 2008 by the Black Eyed Peas member will.i.am. It was honored with the first-ever Emmy Award for Best New Approaches in Daytime Entertainment. The term "Yes We Can!" became a secondary slogan for Barack Obama's campaign.

Friday, November 21, 2008

New Balance M574M HW - Hummer Concepts

New Balance’s latest design, which is said to be inspired by Hummer. This M574 sports a white patent leather / mesh upper along with a pixelated camouflage pattern on the tongue. The side panels feature the notorious N logo which sport a striped pattern.

Retail Price RM259.00 in store now..

Sunday, November 16, 2008

New outlet!

We just opened a new outlet in Penang Gurney Plaza (New extension)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

NB 1063

We will be launching the new NB 1063 runners very soon...

Will take some shots and post it up very soon! 

stay toon.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sneak peak...

Hello fellow NB fanss!

Here is a sneak peak of what will be available soon!
since its a sneak peak, of course i took these without ppl knowing, lol

Sunday, September 28, 2008

SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI....maaf zahir & batin

My sincere wishes to all my malay kicks and close friends..."selamat hari raya"...JOM!! balik kampung..hahaaa
Gua kena kejoooo...maaf la saya tak dapat datang rumah terbuka...i miss my KETUPAT, RENDANG, LEMANG, LEMPENG...what else?


Thursday, May 8, 2008

New Balance M576LERT 20th ANNIVERSARY - アディダス タバコ リミテッドエディション

576」20th 周年紀念收藏版 這款全新 20th 周年紀念「過去、現在、未來」收藏版,鞋面採用皮革設計,中底注入了 ENCAP® 及 C-CAP® 物料,能有效為足部提供額外承托及吸震功能,既獨特又美觀,適合配襯任何衣服。限量發行!

1988 年の発売以来、抜群の安定性と履き心地で愛されるNew Balance(ニューバランス)を代表するモデルM576の、誕生20周年を記念する限定モデルが発売されました。上質なスウェードをほどこし、つま先部分とNマークには、リフレクター素材を採用したインパクトある仕上がり。ベロは特別仕様のリミテッドエディションモデルになっています。機能性はもちろんのこと20周年に相応しい出来のスニーカーになっています。
20th Anniversary Collection Step back into classic retro-style with this 20th Anniversary "Past, Present, Future" Collection.
Retail Price: RM 399.00
Available Size: 8 - 12

NEW BALANCE A09 One Piece Complete Collection

A09 收藏版 A09 系列之復古鞋是以 576 鞋款的原創精神,加上大膽創新的反平凡設計理念,以嶄新面貌全新面世。其採用粗帆布物料,再加上以獨特的設計,把「N」字刷在兩邊鞋側上,令隨性有型的你走在潮流尖端。限量發售!

Here are some pictures of the New Balance A09, which were created by NB Japan. They feature single piece hemp/ canvas uppers.

Available Size: US 8 -11

Friday, March 21, 2008

New Balance A10 Canvas ニューバランス A10【限定モデル】

New Balance, the company has released it’s A10 model in limited pairs in Japan in three different colorways including Red/Black, Gray/White, and Black/Yellow. The A10 features a dope silhouette similar to the 574. All three pairs are composed of a strong upper made up of what appears to be a sturdy canvas material. Now available only GRAY/WHITE in NEW BALANCE MALAYSIA STORES.


Available Size: US 9 - 11

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New Balance A09 Hemp Shoes 【ニューバランス A09】


New Balance (Japan) has taken one of their signature silhouettes and transformed it into a new model, the A09. Taking some of Nike’s One Piece thinking they’ve created three single piece hemp/canvas upper A09’s and screenprinted their New Balance logo onto it along with a number of other designs.

Retail Price: RM 299.00
Size: 8 - 11
only available at NEW BALANCE @ THE GARDENS
Limited Stock!! only 12 pairs in MALAYSIA leh..


M576 20周年記念モデル

1988年に発売され来年2008年でモデル生誕20周年を迎える「new balance(ニューバランス)」が誇る定番機種 M576

This year 2008 New Balance has created a new sneaker to commemorate its 20th anniversary. This sneaker is in the 576 series. It is a limited edition sneaker.
Kicks collecter have to hurry and grab one pair of this WHITE PURPLE ROSE and while stocks last. It is available at NEW BALANCE Flagship store @ Mid Valley The Gardens

Retail Price RM 499.00
Size 8 - 11

Arigato gozaimasu.....